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Level 10

Falsche orte

ich sehe viele  Fotos die nicht das zeigen was als Ort angegeben ist. ich melde es bei Google Maps  das Foto zeigt nicht diesen Ort. aber es passiert nichts, ich Fahre viel um Fotos zu machen,das kostet Geld und Zeit , und die Leute klauen Fotos und machen auch noch Falsche Orts Angabe.und wenn man das melde passiert nichts  ,würde gerne mal wiesen wieso Google Maps nichts dagegen macht .Schade da habe ich dann auch keine Lust Fotos zu machen.vielleicht bekomme ich ja mal ein Antwort wieso man nichts dagegen machen kann , 

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Re: Falsche orte

I partly agree with you, @Timgür , even if honestly I have seen an improvement in the algorithm recently, and frequently when I check a profile that I reported I can see that a lot of photos had been made private already. Stolen photos and photos uploaded in a wrong location are indeed a serious violation of the rules.

I have to add that, when we talk about rules, we should include all of them, not only a few. And you seem to be totally unaware of the first one, even if it is mentioned directly in the help page in Add, remove, or share photos and videos : "You can't add photos or videos to addresses or coordinates"

What does it mean? Simply that you can add a photo ONLY in listings where there is a button for adding photos. We cannot add photos of a city, or a town, just to give you an example. We cannot add photos of Berlin, or Munich, just to give you an example. We should add them to the correct listing, not to drop them all together through a bypass (Google photos). Even if Google photos do not discriminate, we are not allowed to use that procedure to bypass the rules. That kind of contributions are not permitted, and are probably the reason why around 36 thousands of your photos are now private. So in some way the algorithm works.

Another typical violation is the redundancy (uploading a lot of very similar photos). This behaviour is forbidden too.

So, again, I agree with you, but you seem to be unaware of some rule too.