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Level 8

Hospital marked on the wrong building

Hello, today I want point out a mistake on Google Maps. This is Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College Hospital, located in Gopalganj, Bangladesh. This is a Government owned hospital which is almost ready to be operational and will be inaugurated soon.



 Hospital Building. Photo: Sadman Rafid


The hospital has been enlisted in Google Maps. But the problem is, in maps the map marker of the hospital is pointing at the wrong building.



Screenshot from Google Maps.


Currently the map marker is positioned over the Academic Building of Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College. But the hospital building is located on the north, which I have marked with a white arrow. I have tried to move the map marker but my edit was declined.


So I need the help of Google moderators and other fellow local guides to move the map marker to the correct position on the map.


To have a look at Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College Hospital on Google Maps, click here.


Gopalganj, Bangladesh
1 comment
Connect Moderator

Re: Hospital marked on the wrong building

Hi @SadmanRafid


Places that are not yet open to the public should not be added to the map by Local Guides.


The hospital owners can add it and set a future opening date.


If the place is claimed, then you could contact the hospital and suggest the move the pin. If not claimed, and you are unable to move it, please try the Maps support forum.

Hit the Community tap at the top and make a post. 


Include the link to the place and share the GPS coordinats for the correct location. 
