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Level 10

There's no place like Rome! - A visit to Hadrian's Wall

Many of you familiar with Game of Thrones will know of 'The Wall', a colossal structure built along the northern border of the Kingdom of the North, separating the realm from the domain of the wildlings who live beyond. How many of you know there is an actual wall in the UK built over 2000 years ago that still exists today?



Hadrian's Wall, in northern England, is the most prominent Roman archaeological feature in Britain and one of its major ancient tourist attractions. It runs 73 miles (117km) from one side of the country to the other, interspaced with Forts and Milecastles. It marked the boundary between Roman Britannia and unconquered Caledonia to the north. Building began in AD 122 in the reign of the emperor Hadrian and took around six years for 15,000 soldiers to complete.




The forts would each house as many as 600 men, and the manned milecastles, operated by between 12 and 20 men. For nearly three centuries, it was used until the end of Roman rule in Britain in 410 CE; Hadrian's Wall was the clearest statement of the might, resourcefulness, and determination of an individual emperor and of his empire. It also provided years of work for thousands of soldiers responsible for building and maintaining the structure, which further benefited from preventing their boredom!
Fast forward almost 2000 years, and much of the Wall has now disappeared. Long sections of it were used for roadbuilding in the 18th century, and many local houses and even churches are made from Hadrian's Wall stone.
Although Hadrian's Wall was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, visitors can still climb and stand on the Wall, although this is not encouraged, as it could damage the historic structure.
This past weekend we visited an area of the Wall called Birdoswald; in Roman times, it was an impressive fort that today sits on the longest continuous stretch remaining today of the Wall.


Hadrian's Wall is easily accessible in most places and is free to visit (especially as many miles of it still exist by roadsides and towns. There are a few dedicated visitors centres like the one we visited at Birdoswald where you can experience life in Roman times, find out more detailed information and even buy some Roman armour in the gift shop. 🏰



Russell Holden
Birdoswald, Brampton, UK
Level 3

Re: There's no place like Rome! - A visit to Hadrian's Wall

@RussKH  потрясающе, спасибо что поделились)

Level 3

Re: There's no place like Rome! - A visit to Hadrian's Wall

@RussKH  местность очень красивая

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Re: There's no place like Rome! - A visit to Hadrian's Wall

@RussKH Wait.. I'm named after a wall??!?! 😂 Great post Russ.. just happened to come across it! 😅 Strangely enough I've never actually stopped to visit my.. er.. Hadrian's Wall whenever I go up to Scotland!

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